· A/S
· A/A
· hello : 15S *3
· 防火墙之间用交换连,不要直接用网线连接(依赖于防火墙接口,当接口发生故障时,两 FW 都以为自身接口发生故障)
spanning-tree portfast
switchport mode access
ciscoasa(config)# failover ?
configure mode commands/options:
interface Configure the IP address and mask to be used for failover
and/or stateful update information
interface-policy Set the policy for failover due to interface failures
key Configure the failover shared secret or key
lan Specify the unit as primary or secondary or configure the
interface and vlan to be used for failover communication
link Configure the interface and vlan to be used as a link for
stateful update information
mac Specify the virtual mac address for a physical interface
polltime Configure failover poll interval
replication Enable HTTP (port 80) connection replication
timeout Specify the failover reconnect timeout value for
asymmetrically routed sessions
-------------------------------- 案例 --------------------------------------------------------------------
failover lan unit primary
failover lan interface myinterface Ethernet0 / 3
failover link myinterface Ethernet0/3
failover interface ip myinterface standby
failover mac address Ethernet0/1 0018.1900.5000 0018.1900.5001
failover mac address Ethernet0/0 0018.1900.4000 0018.1900.4001
failover mac address Ethernet0/2 0018.1900.6000 0018.1900.6001
failover mac address Management0 / 0 0018.1900.7000 0018.1900.7001